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Orthodontist Raynes Park

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  • Correct mild-to-moderate orthodontic problems
  • Discreet/almost options available
  • Gentle movements
  • Makes teeth easier to clean
  • Our Itero scan allow you to see a digital outcome of what orthodontic treatment can do for you

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Photograph Of Invisalign Aligner By Dr Celine Higton At Beverley Dental Raynes Park London

Transform Your Smile with Expert Orthodontics at Beverley Dental

If you’ve ever felt self-conscious about your teeth due to misalignment, overcrowding or protrusion, orthodontics can defintely help.

Welcome to Beverley Dental, a leading provider of orthodontic care in Raynes Park. With a longstanding commitment to excellence, our practice combines a rich history with a forward-thinking ethos to offer the highest standard of dental and orthodontic care. Our team of orthodontic specialists boasts extensive qualifications and a wealth of experience, ensuring that every patient receives bespoke treatment designed to straighten their smile and boost their confidence.

Our Orthodontic Services in Raynes Park

Clear Aligners (e.g., Invisalign)

Experience the discreet and comfortable way to achieve a straighter smile with our clear aligner treatments, such as Invisalign. Ideal for correcting a range of alignment and spacing issues, clear aligners offer a virtually invisible solution that fits seamlessly into your lifestyle. The process involves wearing custom-made, removable aligners that gently shift your teeth into their correct positions over time, without the need for traditional braces.

Traditional Braces

Traditional braces remain a highly effective option for achieving optimal tooth alignment and are suitable for patients of all ages. We offer a variety of braces, including metal, ceramic (tooth-coloured), and lingual braces, to meet diverse needs and preferences. Each type has its advantages, from the durability of metal braces to the aesthetic appeal of ceramic options, ensuring that we can tailor our approach to suit your specific requirements and lifestyle.

Itero Digital Scanning Technology

At Beverley Dental, we utilise the latest Itero digital scanning technology to enhance our orthodontic treatment planning. This innovative technology allows us to create precise 3D models of your teeth, enabling us to visualise the end result of your treatment and tailor the approach specifically to you. The accuracy and detail provided by Itero scans ensure a more efficient and effective treatment process, with improved comfort and outcomes for our patients.

The Orthodontic Process

Beginning your orthodontic journey with us involves a simple, step-by-step process designed to deliver the best possible results. Starting with a free initial consultation, our team will assess your needs and discuss the most suitable treatment options. Following a bespoke treatment plan, you’ll receive your orthodontic appliance, with regular check-ups to monitor progress. Our patient-centred approach ensures a smooth path to achieving the smile you’ve always dreamed of.

Orthodontic Technology at Beverley Dental

Our commitment to incorporating the latest orthodontic technologies, like Itero digital scans, plays a crucial role in our treatment planning and visualisation. This advanced technology not only enhances the precision of our work but also significantly improves the comfort and experience of our patients, making the journey to a perfect smile smoother and more predictable.

Pricing and Booking Information

Orthodontic Treatment from £2,999
Free Consultation
Ready to take the first step towards a straighter, more beautiful smile? Call us now at 020 8241 2515 or book online to schedule your appointment with our orthodontic team in Raynes Park.

Get Started with Your Orthodontic Journey Today!

Don’t wait to transform your smile. Contact Beverley Dental today for a personalised treatment plan that meets your unique needs. With our expert team, state-of-the-art technology, and commitment to patient care, your dream smile is within reach. Call us or book your free consultation online now.

Orthodontic Dentistry: Pricing

Orthodontic Treatment
from £2999
Interested in booking a Free Consultation?

Call us now or book online to schedule an appoinment with us in Raynes Park

020 8241 2515
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Frequently Asked Questions about Orthodontic Treatments

What is Orthodontic Treatment?

Orthodontic treatment is a branch of dentistry focused on the correction of teeth and jaws that are positioned improperly. The primary objective is to straighten the teeth, not only enhancing the overall appearance but also improving oral health. Straight teeth are easier to clean than misaligned ones, reducing the risk of decay and gum diseases. Additionally, orthodontic treatment addresses issues related to uneven bites which can cause undue pressure on certain teeth, potentially leading to long-term dental problems.

The Process of Orthodontic Treatment

Assessment and Planning

Orthodontic treatment begins with a thorough assessment of the patient’s teeth and jaw alignment. This includes taking dental x-rays, photographs, and impressions of the teeth. Based on this analysis, a detailed treatment plan is developed, tailored to the individual’s needs and goals.

Use of Orthodontic Appliances

Various appliances are used in orthodontics to move teeth, retrain muscles, and affect the growth of the jaws. These appliances work by placing gentle pressure on the teeth and jaws. The most common types include braces, aligners, and retainers.


Braces, consisting of bands, wires, and brackets, are the most traditional orthodontic appliances. They apply continuous pressure over time to slowly move teeth into alignment.


Aligners are increasingly popular, particularly among adults, due to their aesthetic appeal. They are virtually invisible trays that fit over the teeth and can be removed for eating and brushing.

Benefits of Orthodontic Treatment

Improved Oral Health

Straight teeth are less prone to decay and gum disease as they are easier to clean. Properly aligned teeth also reduce the risks associated with abnormal wear of tooth surfaces, excessive stress on the gum tissue, and the bone that supports the teeth.

Enhanced Appearance and Confidence

Improving the appearance of the teeth can significantly boost self-confidence. A straight, well-aligned smile is aesthetically pleasing and contributes positively to an individual’s self-image.

Correction of Bite Issues

Orthodontic treatment is effective in correcting bite issues such as overbite, underbite, crossbite, and open bite. Correcting these issues can lead to improved chewing and speech, and reduce the risk of future dental problems.

Orthodontic treatment is a comprehensive approach to not only enhance the visual appeal of one’s smile but also to improve long-term oral health. By addressing issues like misalignment and uneven bites, orthodontic care contributes significantly to the overall wellbeing and functionality of the oral cavity.

How Does Orthodontic Treatment Work?

Orthodontic treatment involves the use of custom-made dental appliances, such as braces or aligners, to correct misaligned teeth and jaws. These appliances are designed to fit onto the patient’s teeth and gradually move them into their desired positions, following a plan developed at the beginning of the treatment.

Orthodontic Appliances and Their Function


Braces are one of the most common orthodontic appliances. They consist of brackets attached to the teeth, connected by wires. Periodic adjustments are made to these wires by the orthodontist to gently guide the teeth into proper alignment. This process involves applying controlled pressure to the teeth to move them into the desired position over time.


Aligners offer a more aesthetic and less noticeable alternative to traditional braces. These clear, plastic trays are custom-made to fit snugly over the teeth. Patients receive a series of aligners, each slightly different, which are replaced approximately every two weeks. Each new set of aligners takes the adjustment process a step further, gradually moving the teeth towards their final, pre-planned positions.

The Mechanics of Orthodontic Treatment

Applying Pressure to Teeth

The principle behind both braces and aligners is to apply gentle, consistent pressure on the teeth. This pressure stimulates bone remodeling in the jaw, allowing teeth to move and stabilize in their new positions.

Bone Remodeling Process

During orthodontic treatment, the bone around the teeth responds to the pressure by breaking down and rebuilding. This process, known as bone remodeling, is key to allowing the teeth to shift and then stabilize in their new alignment.

Monitoring and Adjustments

Regular visits to the orthodontist are essential for monitoring the progress of treatment. During these visits, adjustments are made to braces, or new aligners are provided to ensure continuous and effective movement of the teeth towards their targeted positions.

Orthodontic treatment, through the use of braces or aligners, is a sophisticated process that involves detailed planning and ongoing adjustments. This methodical approach ensures that teeth are moved safely and effectively to their optimal positions, resulting in improved dental function and aesthetics.

How Long Does Orthodontic Treatment Take?

The duration of orthodontic treatment varies widely and is influenced by the complexity of the individual case. Factors such as the severity of the alignment issues, the type of orthodontic appliance used, and the patient’s response to treatment all play a role in determining the overall treatment time.

Factors Influencing Treatment Duration

Variability in Treatment Time

Some orthodontic treatments can be relatively quick, completed within a few months, especially for minor alignment corrections. However, more complex cases, such as severe misalignment or bite issues, may require up to 2 years of treatment for optimal results.

Customisation of Treatment Plans

To accurately determine the duration of treatment for a specific individual, a comprehensive evaluation is necessary. This evaluation considers the unique dental structure and orthodontic needs of the patient.

Scheduling a Consultation

During a consultation, orthodontists can provide a more precise estimate of the treatment duration based on a detailed assessment. This consultation also offers an opportunity to address any questions and discuss the best treatment options tailored to the patient’s needs.

Progress and Adjustments in Treatment

Regular Adjustments and Monitoring

Throughout the treatment, regular adjustments are made to braces or aligners. For braces, this involves tightening or changing the wires to continue moving the teeth effectively. For aligners, a new set is provided approximately every two weeks to progressively shift the teeth.

Projected Outcome of Treatment

With advancements in orthodontic technology, it is often possible to show patients a projection of how their teeth will look post-treatment. This visual representation can be an encouraging part of the treatment journey, providing a clear goal and expectation for the patient.

Overall, the duration of orthodontic treatment is highly individualized. It requires careful planning, regular monitoring, and adjustments to achieve the desired outcome. By scheduling a consultation, patients can gain a clearer understanding of their specific orthodontic needs and the expected timeline for their treatment.

What's the Best Age to Start Orthodontic Treatment?

The best age to begin orthodontic treatment varies depending on individual needs and the specific issues that need to be addressed. However, there are general guidelines and optimal times for assessment and treatment initiation that can lead to more effective and timely results.

Optimal Timing for Orthodontic Assessment

Early Assessment

The ideal time for a child’s first orthodontic assessment is around the age of 7. This early evaluation does not necessarily mean that treatment will begin immediately, but it allows for the identification of potential issues that might require intervention as the child grows.

Benefits of Early Assessment

Assessing a child’s teeth and jaw development early on enables the identification of issues such as crowding, overbites, underbites, and other alignment problems. Early detection can facilitate timely intervention, which in some cases can simplify or reduce the need for more extensive treatment later.

Commencing Orthodontic Treatment

Typical Age for Treatment

Orthodontic treatment most commonly begins between the ages of 9 and 14. This is when most children have a mix of baby and adult teeth, making it an ideal time to correct dental issues. Treatment during this period can take advantage of the child’s growing bones and teeth.

Considerations for Treatment Timing

The decision to start treatment is based on individual factors such as the stage of dental development, the nature of the orthodontic issue, and the child’s readiness for treatment. Each case is unique, and the timing will be tailored to the individual’s specific needs.

Orthodontic Treatment in Adults

Orthodontic treatment is not limited to children and adolescents. Adults can also undergo orthodontic treatment, and advances in technology and techniques have made it more comfortable and convenient than ever before. Adult treatment may take slightly longer and requires a committed approach to care and maintenance.

While there is no ‘one size fits all’ answer to the best age for starting orthodontic treatment, early assessment and timely intervention can play a critical role in the effectiveness of treatment. Whether in childhood, adolescence, or adulthood, orthodontic care is tailored to meet the individual needs of each patient, ensuring optimal outcomes in improving dental health and aesthetics.

What Types of Braces are Available in Orthodontics?

In orthodontics, a variety of braces are available to suit different preferences and needs. These braces vary in terms of materials, visibility, and the specific orthodontic issues they address. Understanding the options helps in making an informed choice about the most suitable type of braces for an individual’s treatment plan.

Different Types of Orthodontic Braces

Metal Braces

Metal braces are the most traditional and widely recognized type of braces. They consist of metal brackets and wires, and are known for their effectiveness in treating a wide range of orthodontic issues. Metal braces offer durability and a cost-effective solution for teeth alignment.

Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces function similarly to metal braces but are designed with clear or tooth-coloured brackets. This makes them less visible, providing a more discreet option for those who are conscious about the appearance of metal braces.

Considerations for Ceramic Braces

While ceramic braces are less noticeable, they may require more careful maintenance as they can be more prone to staining and are slightly less durable than metal braces.

Lingual Braces

Lingual braces are attached to the back of the teeth, making them invisible from the front. They are custom-made to fit each tooth. Lingual braces are an excellent option for those who prefer their braces to be completely out of sight.

Special Considerations for Lingual Braces

Due to their placement, lingual braces may require a longer adjustment period in terms of comfort and speech, and they can be more challenging to clean.

Clear Aligners

Clear aligners, such as Invisalign, offer a virtually invisible way to straighten teeth. They are custom-made, removable trays that are replaced every few weeks to gradually move the teeth into position. Clear aligners are popular among adults and teens who seek a more aesthetic and less intrusive orthodontic solution.

Flexibility and Lifestyle Considerations with Clear Aligners

Clear aligners provide flexibility as they can be removed for eating, brushing, and flossing. However, they require discipline to wear consistently for the recommended 22 hours a day.

The choice of braces depends on various factors, including the complexity of the orthodontic issue, aesthetic preferences, lifestyle, and budget. Each type of brace offers unique advantages, and the decision should be made in consultation with an orthodontist, who can recommend the most appropriate solution based on individual needs.

What Signs Indicate You Might Need Orthodontic Treatment?

Identifying the need for orthodontic treatment often involves recognizing certain signs and symptoms that suggest misalignment or other issues with the teeth and jaws. Early detection of these signs can lead to timely orthodontic intervention, which can improve oral health and functionality significantly.

Common Indicators for Orthodontic Treatment

Crowding or Spacing Issues

One of the most apparent signs is crowding or spacing of the teeth. Crowding occurs when there isn’t enough space in the mouth for all the teeth, leading to overlapping or crooked teeth. Conversely, noticeable gaps or spacing between teeth can also indicate a need for orthodontic treatment.

Bite Irregularities

Bite problems, such as an overbite, underbite, crossbite, or open bite, are strong indicators. These issues can affect how the upper and lower teeth come together, potentially leading to difficulties in biting, chewing, and even speaking.

Effects of Bite Problems

Improper bites can lead to uneven wear on the teeth, jaw discomfort, and in some cases, difficulties in maintaining oral hygiene.

Difficulty in Chewing or Biting

Experiencing difficulty or discomfort while chewing or biting can be a sign of misalignment. This can also be accompanied by frequent biting of the inner cheeks or tongue.

Jaw Pain or Discomfort

Chronic jaw pain, discomfort, or a clicking sound when moving the jaw can indicate issues with the jaw alignment or Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMD), which may require orthodontic attention.

Protruding Teeth

Teeth that stick out significantly, especially the front teeth, can be prone to injury and can also indicate an orthodontic problem. Protruding teeth can affect the overall facial profile and appearance.

Self-Esteem and Aesthetic Concerns

Feeling self-conscious about the appearance of one’s teeth due to misalignment or gaps can also be a reason to consider orthodontic treatment. Improving the aesthetic appearance of the smile can have positive effects on confidence and self-esteem.

Recognizing these signs and consulting with an orthodontist can help determine the need for orthodontic treatment. Early assessment and intervention can lead to more effective and efficient treatment, improving long-term oral health, functionality, and aesthetics.

How Do Orthodontic Treatments Affect Oral Hygiene?

Orthodontic treatments, while aimed at improving dental alignment and overall oral health, can have specific impacts on oral hygiene practices. The presence of orthodontic appliances such as braces or aligners necessitates a more thorough and attentive approach to oral hygiene to maintain dental health during treatment.

Oral Hygiene Challenges with Orthodontic Appliances

Increased Risk of Plaque Build-Up

Braces and other fixed orthodontic appliances can create additional nooks and crannies in the mouth where food particles and plaque can accumulate. This increases the risk of tooth decay and gum disease if oral hygiene is not maintained diligently.

Difficulty in Cleaning

Cleaning teeth thoroughly can be more challenging with orthodontic appliances. The brackets and wires of braces, for example, can obstruct the easy access of a toothbrush or dental floss to the surfaces of the teeth and gum line.

Adapting Oral Hygiene Practices During Orthodontic Treatment

Specialised Cleaning Tools

Using specialised cleaning tools such as interdental brushes, orthodontic floss, and water flossers can be very helpful. These tools are designed to navigate around braces and other appliances to remove plaque and food debris effectively.

Routine and Thorough Cleaning

Maintaining a consistent and thorough oral hygiene routine is crucial. This includes brushing after every meal, using fluoride toothpaste, and flossing daily to prevent the build-up of plaque and protect against tooth decay and gum disease.

Regular Dental Check-Ups

Regular check-ups with a dentist and orthodontist are important for monitoring oral health during orthodontic treatment. These visits allow for professional cleaning and the early detection and treatment of any oral health issues.

Importance of Patient Education

Orthodontists play a vital role in educating patients about the importance of oral hygiene during treatment and demonstrating effective cleaning techniques tailored to their specific orthodontic appliances.

Effective oral hygiene is integral to the success of orthodontic treatment. Adapting oral hygiene practices to meet the challenges posed by orthodontic appliances ensures that the health of the teeth and gums is maintained throughout the treatment process.

Can Orthodontics Fix Bite Issues Like Overbites or Underbites?

Orthodontic treatment is highly effective in addressing bite issues such as overbites and underbites. These common dental problems, which involve misalignment of the upper and lower jaws, can have significant impacts on oral function and appearance. Orthodontics offers several techniques and appliances specifically designed to correct these types of bite irregularities.

Correcting Overbites and Underbites with Orthodontics

Understanding Overbites and Underbites

An overbite occurs when the upper teeth protrude significantly over the lower teeth, while an underbite is characterized by the lower teeth extending beyond the upper teeth. Both conditions can lead to difficulties in chewing, speaking, and can increase the risk of tooth damage and jaw pain.

Orthodontic Treatment Approaches

Orthodontic treatments for overbites and underbites typically involve braces, clear aligners, or other corrective appliances. These treatments are tailored to the specific needs of the individual and can vary in complexity and duration.

Braces for Bite Correction

Traditional braces are very effective in correcting bite issues. They work by gradually moving the teeth into better alignment, which in turn can correct the positioning of the jaw.

Clear Aligners and Other Appliances

Clear aligners, such as Invisalign, can also be used in some cases of overbites and underbites. Additionally, specialized orthodontic appliances like palatal expanders or Herbst appliances may be used, particularly in children and adolescents whose jaws are still developing.

Benefits of Correcting Bite Issues

Improved Oral Function and Health

Correcting overbites and underbites can lead to improved chewing ability, clearer speech, and a reduced risk of wear and tear on the teeth. It also aids in maintaining better oral hygiene, as properly aligned teeth are easier to clean.

Enhanced Aesthetics and Confidence

Beyond functional improvements, correcting bite issues can have a positive impact on the aesthetic appearance of the smile and face. This often leads to enhanced self-esteem and confidence.

Orthodontic treatment is a powerful tool in resolving bite issues like overbites and underbites. Through personalized treatment plans and the use of appropriate orthodontic appliances, patients can achieve improved oral health, functionality, and a more balanced and attractive smile.

Can Adults Also Get Orthodontic Treatments?

Yes, adults can certainly receive orthodontic treatments. In fact, there’s been a growing trend of adults seeking orthodontic care for various reasons, ranging from aesthetic improvements to correcting long-standing dental issues. Modern orthodontic options are designed to cater to both the physical and lifestyle needs of adult patients.

Orthodontic Treatment Options for Adults

Braces and Aligners for Adults

Traditional braces, as well as more discreet options like ceramic braces and clear aligners, are available for adults. These appliances are effective in treating a wide range of orthodontic issues, including misalignment, crowding, spacing, and bite irregularities.

Customisation and Comfort

Orthodontic treatments for adults are highly customised to address specific dental conditions while considering factors such as the patient’s lifestyle, work, and social considerations. Comfort and aesthetics are often key considerations in treatment planning for adults.

Advancements in Orthodontic Technology

Advancements in orthodontic technology, such as 3D imaging and digital treatment planning, have made orthodontic care more efficient and less intrusive than in the past. This is particularly appealing to adult patients.

Considerations for Adult Orthodontic Patients

Duration of Treatment

While effective, orthodontic treatment may take slightly longer in adults compared to children or adolescents due to the maturity of the jawbone and tissues. However, with consistent care and adherence to the treatment plan, adults can achieve successful outcomes.

Importance of Oral Health Maintenance

For adults undergoing orthodontic treatment, maintaining good oral hygiene is paramount. This is especially important to prevent dental issues such as gum disease or tooth decay, which can be more prevalent in adults.

Collaborative Care

Adult orthodontic treatment may sometimes require a collaborative approach, involving other dental professionals to address specific dental issues like periodontal disease or tooth replacement.

Orthodontic treatments are not only feasible but also increasingly popular among adults. With a variety of options available, adults can benefit from improved dental health and aesthetics, proving that it’s never too late to achieve a healthier, more aligned smile.

What's the Purpose of Retainers in Orthodontic Treatment?

Retainers play a crucial role in orthodontic treatment, especially after the removal of braces or the completion of aligner therapy. Their primary purpose is to maintain the position of teeth after they have been straightened, ensuring long-lasting results from orthodontic treatment.

Importance of Retainers in Orthodontics

Maintaining Teeth Alignment

Once braces are removed or aligner treatment is completed, teeth have a natural tendency to shift back to their original positions, a process known as relapse. Retainers are designed to prevent this, helping to keep teeth in their new, corrected positions.

Types of Retainers

There are several types of retainers, including removable and fixed options. Removable retainers are often made of clear plastic or a combination of plastic and wire, and can be taken out for eating and cleaning. Fixed retainers consist of a thin wire bonded behind the teeth.

Choosing the Right Type of Retainer

The choice between removable and fixed retainers depends on various factors, including the specific orthodontic issues addressed, patient preference, and recommendations from the orthodontist.

Long-Term Use of Retainers

Duration of Retainer Use

The length of time retainers need to be worn can vary. Some patients may need to wear them full-time immediately after orthodontic treatment, while others might only wear them at night. Over time, the frequency of retainer use may be reduced based on the orthodontist’s advice.

Caring for Retainers

Proper care of retainers is essential for their effectiveness. This includes regular cleaning to prevent the buildup of bacteria and plaque, as well as safe storage when not in use.

Regular Follow-Up Appointments

Regular appointments with the orthodontist are important to monitor the fit and condition of the retainers, as well as the stability of the teeth alignment.

Retainers are a vital component of orthodontic treatment, ensuring the stability and longevity of the results achieved through braces or aligners. Proper use and care of retainers are key to maintaining a straight, healthy smile long after the active phase of orthodontic treatment has been completed.

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