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Dr Munir Ravalia

Dr Munir Ravalia BDS MFDS RCS Pain Management and Sedation (Eastman) Medical Diploma Clinical Hypnosis

I qualified from The Royal London Hospital in 2002 and went on to complete my training as a Senior House Officer in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery at Kingston and St. Georges Hospitals. During my various postings was awarded The Membership of the Faculty of Dental Surgeons, England. Furthermore, I have worked in both primary and secondary care and joined Kings College Hospital as a Specialty Doctor in Acute Dental Care.

Having had experience of such a wide array of the dental field, I found it most rewarding when having the opportunity to help patients who had fear or phobias. This led me to my postgraduate training in Intra-Venous/Oral/Inhalation (gas and air) sedation at the Eastman Dental Institute, where I now teach postgraduate dentists in this field.

I am currently a Trust Dentist and Clinical Lecturer in Conscious Sedation at The Royal London Hospital and provide general dentistry on the other days. In addition to my formal training, I have trained in acupuncture for the head and neck region and obtained a Medical Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis.

Contact me at:

[email protected]

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